
Bolivia, a country with rich cultural diversity and natural resources, faces significant socio-economic challenges. High levels of poverty and inequality, particularly in indigenous and rural communities, are exacerbated by the country’s rugged terrain, making it difficult to reach remote areas. Limited access to quality education, healthcare, and basic services further increases the vulnerability of these populations.

Despite economic growth and development efforts, many Bolivian communities remain marginalized. Rural areas suffer from inadequate infrastructure and scarce resources, hindering access to essential services. The challenging geography adds to the difficulty of delivering support, resulting in persistent disparities in education and healthcare, and many families remain trapped in a cycle of poverty.

For over two decades, Suyana has been committed to fostering sustainable change and empowering communities in Bolivia. We focus on health, education, and livelihoods, particularly in remote, rural areas where services are limited. Our projects, which run for three years, tackle poverty, promote economic development, and foster sustainable living conditions. By working closely with governments and communities, our local teams implement Healthy Municipalities initiatives and support tailored projects to empower education and vocational training, boosting economic independence.

The Projects