Sierra Leone

In the West African country of Sierra Leone, widespread poverty and limited access to essential resources pose significant obstacles. Approximately 26% of children endure chronic malnutrition, attending school on empty stomachs1, while the maternal mortality ratio, among the highest globally, stands at an alarming 1,165 deaths per 100,000 live births2. Unemployment hovers around 3.5%3, exacerbating the urgency for intervention.

Despite ongoing efforts, many families struggle to meet their children’s fundamental needs. Scarce resources hinder educational quality, impeding academic performance and perpetuating the poverty cycle. Furthermore, agricultural sector hurdles, such as outdated tools and techniques, contribute to food insecurity.

At Suyana, we engage with local stakeholders to confront these challenges heads-on. Our initiatives focus on improving access to health services, education and nutrition, empowering communities to build economic resilience and break free from the cycle of poverty.


(1) Based on UNICEF DATA and World Bank reports on child nutrition and development in Sierra Leone.
(2) Maternal Death Surveillance and Response Annual Report UNFPA Sierra Leone​.
(3) Ulandssekretariatet

The Projects