
Switzerland, often seen through the lens of its lush fields and thriving farms, faces significant challenges in its agricultural sector. Despite its reputation as a wealthy nation, the reality for some Swiss farmers paints a different picture, marked by declining livelihoods and uncertain futures. According to the Federal Statistics Office (BFS), nearly 60,000 farmers have left the agricultural sector over the past three decades (1991-2022), disrupting rural life and the farming industry. Persistent price pressures and diminishing returns have created a constant struggle for Swiss farmers to sustain their way of life. The reality for many agricultural communities in Switzerland is marked by financial instability and operational difficulties. The viability of farms is often at risk, affecting not only the farmers but also the broader rural community.

Additionally, rural areas face challenges in providing adequate educational and career opportunities, leading to youth unemployment and limited prospects for the next generation.

Since 2013, Suyana has been committed to strengthening Swiss agriculture and enhancing livelihoods through targeted support for farming families in German-speaking regions. Our initiatives focus on addressing operational challenges, infrastructure development, and emergency preparedness to ensure uninterrupted farm operations. We also support educational programs that combat youth unemployment and foster career development by providing vocational training, internships, and expanded educational access. By collaborating with local partners, we aim to build a resilient and sustainable future for Switzerland’s agricultural communities.

The Projects

Applying for support in Switzerland

Applications are accepted throughout the year. Submit your application early so that it can be reviewed before your project or study begins. Only complete application forms with supporting documents will be accepted, reviewed and submitted to the Foundation Board for approval.

Applying for support: