Creating opportunities

We believe that collaboration enables positive development and creates mutual growth. Partnering with Suyana isn’t just about making a difference — it’s about creating a wide range of benefits that extend beyond the mere act of giving.

Whether you’re a corporation, a grant-giving foundation, a private donor, or a public institution, collaborating with Suyana offers possibilities tailored to your requirements.

Contributing to our mission can have financial benefits. Your donation is tax deductible, as Suyana is tax exempt by the Swiss federal authorities. Discover other distinct aspects to contribute and collaborate with us.


Your partnerships enable our teams and local initiatives to create lasting, meaningful outcomes that significantly impact the communities we serve. By partnering with us, corporations can benefit in various ways through engagement in philanthropic activities, beyond funding.

Some of the main advantages resulting from cooperating with us include:

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Your company profits from enhancing its corporate reputation and increasing its visibility amongst your stakeholders.

For example, your donation could directly fund our initiatives to provide dental and basic medical consultations in rural areas, addressing immediate healthcare needs and fostering community health.

Community Impact: A strong relation between the community and your company helps addressing local issues and operations topics.

For instance, your support can help us enhance public health facilities, ensuring that communities have access to essential medical services, or help to facilitate programs for basic and advanced education.

Advancing Innovation: Your company can enhance its exposure while facilitating access to new technical solutions, materials and products that address local challenges.

For example, your corporation can actively participate and shape our sustainable livelihood initiatives, such as implementing eco-friendly features in housing and promoting sustainable water management techniques, contributing to both environmental conservation and community development.

Grant-giving foundations

You may choose to donate to specific projects from our worldwide broad project portfolio.

Sharing a Vision and Mission: By donating to specific projects from our worldwide portfolio, you demonstrate a clear value alignment and commitment to accelerating impactful projects.

Your support can directly contribute to improving schooling infrastructure and promoting inclusive learning environments, ensuring that every child has access to quality education in remote rural areas.

Strategic Philanthropy & Sustainable Development: supporting our long-term, sustainable impact goals and our strategic approach to creating lasting positive outcomes.

Your grant can empower communities through initiatives like establishing Farmers Economic Organizations, promoting sustainable agricultural practices, and improving market access for small-scale farmers.

Capacity Building: empowering communities and organizations.

For instance, your foundation can enable workshops and training programs based on your expertise aimed at building the skills and capacities of community members, empowering them to take charge of their own development.

Community Empowerment: Your grant can enable us to implement initiatives like promoting preventive healthcare methods, improving access to clean water and sanitation, and providing specialized treatments for vulnerable populations, leading to improved health outcomes and increased well-being for communities.

Global or Local Focus and Strategic Partnerships: Support projects in one of our seven global locations, creating impact where you are present. We value strategic partnerships to maximize impact through our extended network.

Private Donors

You may choose to donate or participate in projects for various reasons, driven by personal values, altruism, and a desire to make a positive impact. Consider how some of these benefits apply to you:

Personal Believes and Values: Driven by your genuine desire to help and make a difference in the world, you can align with Suyana’s  mission.

For example, your contribution can directly support one or more of our initiatives aimed at enhancing the health, education, and livelihood of communities in rural areas. Maybe there is a particular part of the world you feel more connected to?  We are internationally active and present in seven countries across Latin America, Africa, and Europe.

Social Impact: Believe in contributing to positive social change and empowering communities, we can help you channel your commitment to give back and contribute to well-being of others.

For instance, your donation can fund projects that promote food security, enhance educational opportunities, and create economic empowerment for marginalized communities, leading to lasting social impact and positive transformation.

Personal Connection: Leverage on your emotional ties through personal experiences or your passion for a specific cause we serve.

For example, if you have personally witnessed the challenges faced by communities in accessing healthcare or education, your support can directly address these issues and make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and families.

Sense of Fulfilment: Through our work you may find personal satisfaction and purpose in contributing to meaningful projects and positively impacting people’s lives.

For example, knowing that your contribution helps provide educational material to underserved populations, enhancing educational opportunities for children can bring a profound sense of fulfilment and accomplishment.

Our team would love to hear from you and co-develop new partnership opportunities.

T +41 41 710 82 18 donation