Fostering Education:

Low-Interest Loans for Swiss Students

While Switzerland boasts a strong education system, financing higher education remains a challenge for many students. Without robust assistance from parents or the state, accessing higher education can be daunting for individuals from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.


Suyana aims to empower students with limited financial resources by providing low-interest educational loans, comprehensive support, and sustainable funding through repayment. This initiative enables students to successfully graduate and integrate into the labour market.


The Suyana Education Fund provides educational loans at a low interest rate, bridging financial gaps and improving students’ opportunities in the labour market. Our partner Educa Swiss, offers coaching in career planning and assists students in budgeting, ensuring they are well-prepared for their academic journeys and future careers.

Outcome and Impact

  • Successful Graduation and Integration: The expected outcome is the successful graduation and integration into the labour market of all supported students.
  • Sustainable Funding: As students embark on their careers, they commit to repaying their education loans, creating a sustainable cycle. This repayment system replenishes the Suyana Education Fund, enabling ongoing support for new students from financially constrained backgrounds.
  • Community Empowerment: This approach aligns with the broader goal of fostering education as a catalyst for positive change and empowerment within the community.

Our Partners

Join us in investing in students’ educational aspirations and brightening their futures.