Navigating Transitions

Advancing Agriculture

Amidst the tranquil landscapes of their farm, a young couple embarked on a journey filled with challenges and uncertainties. Their transition to organic farming, though met with initial scepticism, proved fruitful through perseverance and hard work. Yet, as their new farming model began to thrive, they faced a setback as the landlord cancelled the land lease, reclaiming his land. Stripped of their land and infrastructure, their future hung in the balance.


The project’s primary aim was to support this farming family in overcoming the hurdles of transitioning to organic farming. This transition demanded significant investment and hard work, which the family successfully managed. However, despite their efforts and intensive labour, the cancellation of their land lease plunged them into economic uncertainty. Our assistance sought to fortify their farm structures and provide essential resources, ensuring the sustainability and resilience of their operations.


The project encompassed various activities: after being able to secure additional land, the family was left with the need to enhance the farm structures to accommodate their cattle. While they undertook much of the work themselves, the costs for the facilities used up the existing reserves and impaired the necessary liquidity. Their existence was in danger and financial assistance was needed. Through Suyana’s support and community engagement and collaboration, a supportive environment was created aiming to ensure the family’s long-term sustainability and resilience.

Outcome and Impact

The successful implementation of this project is anticipated to yield several outcomes:

  • Sustained Livelihoods: By securing land and enhancing infrastructure, farming families can continue their operations with greater stability and confidence, mitigating the risk of displacement and economic hardship.
  • Increased Resilience: Through the adoption of organic farming practices and community support mechanisms, farming operations become more resilient to external shocks and market fluctuations.
  • Empowerment: The project empowers farming families to take control of their futures, fostering a sense of autonomy and self-reliance within the agricultural sector.

“The imminent loss of the leased land and the leased stables caused us some sleepless nights. Without these areas, we would no longer be able to cover the costs of running the farm and our existence would be seriously jeopardised. Replacing the leased barn was a challenge. We were able to realise the structural measures on our farm with a great deal of personal effort. In the end, however, we didn’t have the money for the facilities and ended up in financial difficulties. Thanks to the support of the Suyana Foundation, we managed to get through this and now have good prospects for the future again. Our heartfelt thanks for this.”

Our Partner

Join us in our mission to support the livelihood of Swiss farming families.